Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today we are soggy scholars!

We began our day as soggy scholars! It is very, very rainy!  This morning we played "Electricity!" as our morning meeting activity.  For this game we had to squeeze hands and go all around the circle to where it started as fast as possible. Again today we did not have Reading Results because it was closed for the week! All of the other grades were testing.

We read two more chapters in How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell.  Ms. Dahl also continued working on the Fountas and Pinnell assessment. Today we worked on capitalization.  Capitalization was kinda hard to write down the capitalized letter when it was lower case. We worked on capitalization because some of us need more practice on how to start our sentences, names, specific places, and proper nouns.  Later we worked on vocabulary and we used our Wordly Wise books to practice our words in lots of different ways.

In math today we learned more about place value, digits and we played math games for indoor recess. We had to roll a dice and write our numbers on the chart! We had to create numbers that have 3 - 5 digits then we wrote the standard form, expanded form and word form in our math notebook. 

Today we had a BUSY day!  As we move on with our day we are going to head into the Inquiry block and then have Writers Workshop! 

Hope you all stayed dry on this very soggy Wednesday!

Written by: Miss Dahl and the class (family dinner style)

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