Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Fun Day !

Today  we  did  reading  result  and   it   was  our  first  day   of    fractions with  candy bars !  We  had   to    cut   the   candy bar   with    a knife and then we got to eat the candy. Today for lunch we had pizza ,salad and milk and it was so good.We had  art    again   we did  are  rooms   again . In inquiry  we had to draw our own flag   from   a different   country    and we  had  a  vistor.   We  did  divison  for  math Do Now after  art.  Ms.  Baker   was  teaching  us   today when Ms.Dahl  was  grading  our  homework   Nichelle  did  her  divison right.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


TODAY we went to walk for the homeless and it was very fun.  Everyone was happy!  We enjoyed  the walk and we also saw a dead mole.  Right now we're doing the blog and doing our explorer project.  Today we learned how to use lattice with three digit multiplication for math.  Many other classes participated.  As we were preparing we did the moose dance! 

Our student teacher Ms. Baker left for grad school class today at lunch time.  Lunch was very good today!  We had chicken, salad, beans, bread, broccoli, and milk.  Recess was great though a few of us had a hard time.  Ms. S's class was also there.

Today during inquiry two groups posted their new questions on Google documents.  Another group used our class email account to share their questions.  We know we are at the first step on our new inquiry wheel! 

Tomorrow we have the Watering Rehearsal with Casey Trees!  We are all going to wear closed toed shoes that can get dirty!  We will wear uniforms this time. 

Written by:  Melody, Tre, and completed by the class

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Field Trip

Today we went to the Embassy of Austria. We saw a play that was for 4-6 year olds and really not for our age .We learned that it is important to keep our community clean. We learned that if Antartica melts our whole world would flood and another thing we learned is that if more trees get planted it would be better for us and animals because it gives us oxygen. We learned the our earth is our home. We learned that a lot of our earth is cold.

When we got back from school we wrote 3 sentences about what we learned there.We could either draw a picture about what we learned too. It was very fun writing sentences beacause we got to review what we learned at the field trip. It was very fun drawing the earth and telling what we mostly learned about.We learned a lot about the earth today because the play was mostly about the Earth .Well that's all for today hope you learned alot about the Earth.
By:Dania & Nina