Monday, September 26, 2011

A Dodgeball day in the gym!

Today Ms. W our art teacher was absent so we were able to go to the gym. In gym we played dodgeball and it was really fun.  The Indiana University girls beat the Cornell University girls!  They lost because they had the most people out.  Indiana University also had more players.  We had to catch the ball and whoever threw it had to sit down on the bench.  If another person got out then you could go back in the game.  If a Cornell girl got out then an Indiana girl got to go back in the game.  We had so much fun! 

Later the boys had to play against the Cornell boys.  Unfortunately they only had a little while to play.  Some students had a really hard time showing how to use their gym time.  Hopefully we can play again sometime soon.

Written by:  Ms. Dahl and the Indiana University winners

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome blog!!!! Great job Indiana University!
