Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Day with a birthday!!

It was Ms.Baker's birthday! She brought cupcakes in for us! We have to be really good so we can enjoy the delicious dessert.

Today we learned about fact families in math class. We made a booklet to show how much we know and how much their still is to learn. This booklet was a part of our mulitiplication and division lessons. In our HSP math book, we worked on a few problems to make sure that we are excellent mathmaticians.

After math we had inquiry. During this time we made a the wheel of inquiry where we go in a circle from wondering to finding out to sorting out to creating to presenting to reflecting. Our class looked at our blog and saw all of the great links Ms. Dahl had put up for us to find information about hurricanes, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Next we got into groups and worked on the finding out section of our inquiry wheel by reading nonfiction books.

Once inquiry is over we all will sing Happy Birthday to Ms. Baker and eat some AWESOME cupcakes! YUMMMMMM! It really was a special day!

Written by: Jasmine and Kai


  1. It sounds like you had a good day learning how to define a problem, learn about solving it, assemble a solution, and present your results. That is a skill you can use every day. Ending the day with a party is a great way to finish! Congratulations!
    -Mr. Dahl (Miss Dahl's father)

  2. Thank you all so much for an AMAZING birthday! It was very special and I could not have imagined a better way to spend the day then with all of you! Thank you for the cards and gifts!
